best of the rest: Vietnam

SPEEDING between coffee plantations, lime coloured butterflies energetically swarm. Cicadas throb; silk worms noisily munch upon their mulberry leaves. The Virgin Flower’s fern-like arms fold down, fronds pulled in tight upon a foreign body’s touch. Along a raised ledge of grasshopper-green rice paddies, tops twinkling yellow, a woman in shocking pink walks. Floating villages, local markets.  Gushing waterfalls, … Continue reading

travel bite: Hanoi, Vietnam

HIGH heels, slim fit jeans and a tight red t-shirt walk out from the shop-house. A large shiny motorcycle stands proudly before her on the pavement. She dons her ladybird red helmet. A slight motion of the girl’s arm gets someone to position the bike down by the kirb. Mounting the machine it becomes clear … Continue reading

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