eating the rainbow: white

WHEN ESTABLISHING the “rules” by which I would eat the rainbow one colour at a time I came upon a sticking point. There are many basic compounds of a dish that are white; garlic, onion and flour, to name but a few. Yes it is possible to create delicious foods without these ingredients – as … Continue reading

eating the rainbow, one colour at a time…

AS A CHILD my mother instilled in me the need to add colour to every meal. At dinner time a sprig of parsley or dill (mine was a Polish household) would be added to my plate with a flourish, accompanied by the declaration “That’s better, now we have colour on our plates!”. This notion of … Continue reading

the fish tacos of mexico: part 1

FISH TACOS. It was these two words that governed the direction of many a meal that my companion and I had whilst travelling in Mexico We would start with a craving for fish tacos, and then, once seated at our chosen establishment, we would order away as our hearts desired. Comparisons were made and discussions naturally … Continue reading

an unexpected star of mexican street food

  MY TEN WEEKS in Mexico have passed by with me sampling many culinary highlights – in high end places, at people’s homes, from markets and from street vendors. Many have been the result of new tastes and textures not common to your average western-style Mexican restaurant; though the staples that this vibrant country is renowned for the … Continue reading

blue sky big birds

     LAZILY opening an eye to look out for the next cloud upon a big blue canvas, an unforgettable silhouette is spied. Bringing its own misshaped shade along for the ride, the big bird fleetingly obliterates the sun. Soaring and searching, battling the breeze, this silent bomber is on a mission: to find and retrieve. … Continue reading

travel bite: the food of Burma

APPARENTLY Burmese food has a bad rep. I was told of this by the Lonely Planet. However overall both mine and others’ personal experiences were of the opposite persuasion. (Bar the ‘cheeseburger’ that was all artificial cheese slice but no burger. But then again why should the Burmese know how to make burgers when their … Continue reading

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